New Year Fitness Goals? Here's a Practical Workout Plan for You


With the start of the new year upon us it's time to decide what we want to accomplish over the next 12 months.

For a lot of people that includes wanting to look better in that little black dress (or wedding dress)... and a lot of you will probably get off to a great start, but find that it's all too easy to slip into old habits that don't produce the results that you're looking for. Then before you know it, the motivation of the New Year is going, and so are the short lived results that you may have seen.

Why does this happen and how can we stick to a fitness plan that works…?

Well, I've been working with people just like you for over 12 years. I work with brides who want to lose a few pounds to make that wedding dress look absolutely amazing. And the average person that wants to lose weight and feel better.

The problem is that it's easy to fail.

Many times people will find a plan in a magazine that will work great at first, but when they get really sore, or busy at work, the plan goes to the wayside.

The truth is that the first part of the plan should be really easy to accomplish, and you should be rewarding yourself often.

It's really all about creating the habit of working out, and being overall healthy. Once you have the habit the results will come before you know it.

Here's a good sample plan to get you started, and we'll conclude with the all important habit creator: 

We are going to make this super easy. All exercises will be done for 2 warm up sets, and 3 working sets of 10 reps. Each working set should be heavy enough that it burns pretty good by the end of each set. Also, make sure to rest for 1 minute between each set.

Monday - Resistance training day

- Barbell squats

- Dumbbell lunges

- Barbell deadlifts

Tuesday - Easy cardio

- 30 mins of your favorite cardio method.

*If you have a heart rate monitor wear it, and keep your heart rate between 130 and 150 beats per minute.

Wednesday - Go for a walk Thursday - Resistance training day

- Pull-ups, or assisted pull-up machine

- Cable rows

- Dumbbell biceps curls

Friday - Easy cardio

- 30 mins of your favorite cardio method.

Saturday - Resistance training day

- Dumbbell bench press

- Dumbbell overhead shoulder press

- Dumbbell skull crushers/tricep extensions

Sunday - Go for a walk

So, that looks easy, right? It should be really easy. As I said earlier… the biggest hurdle is creating your habit, and sticking with it. Here's how we are going to do that...

Let's start with your calendar.

I want you to use a digital calendar even if it's not part of your normal routine. This is because the digital calendars can be set up to give you easy reminders, and alerts. I use a simple Google calendar, which is totally free with an email address. But any calendar will work.

The first step is scheduling your workouts. Just pop them into your calendar.

If you go to work, put your work schedule in there too, and put your workout before, or after work. Then make sure to be realistic with the time it will take. I don't want you to feel rushed. Give yourself at least an hour for your workouts. They probably won't take anywhere close to that amount of time, but put it in the calendar for that long anyway. Then add a reminder to each workout event to remind you 30 minutes before the workout.

That was easy, right?

The next step is to tell 3 people about your goal to start working out, or losing weight, or whatever your specific goal is...

Just make sure to tell people that you think will be supportive. I always like to tell my mom all of my goals because I know she'll be supportive. :-)

Here's an example in my life… my girlfriend and I have recently set a goal of spending a year on the road in an RV to visit all of the National Parks. We both have the luxury of working from home, so that makes it easier, but we know the commitment to actually do it will be the hard part. So, we've been telling all of our family members about it. We've been telling them about how we are going to afford the RV, how we are going to get wifi to be able to work, and how we are going to do all of our workouts on the road (we are both competitive CrossFitters).

It's a HUGE goal, but we've already told over 20 people about how we are going to do it, and shown them our whole plan.

It's scary, but now we have 20 people that are expecting us to make it happen, and that makes us that much more motivated to make it happen.

So, grab the phone and call 3 people that will support your plan. Tell them all about this plan that I've given you above. It's super easy, and will start getting you weight loss results. Maybe they will want to do the workout plan with you...

What's next…

I would recommend doing this routine for one month before looking to step it up a bit. Not a lot, but you have to push your body to continue to get results.

When that month is up I recommend that you head over to our website at and take a look at our Burn & Tone workout program. It will be everything you need to step up to the next level.

You can also send me any questions that you might have.

Joe Bauer CSCS

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